To begin, I want to thank EVERYONE who came by my studio during the tour, and another big thank you to everyone who attended any part of the rest of the tour. Without people touring, it would be a pretty bad event!

The first day of the tour was Saturday, June 7th. I spent all morning running around making sure I had everything I needed, but once the first visitors arrived, I finally relaxed. Quickly, I realized the wonderful thing about events in town: you discover and meet all of the great people that are all around you. Some of them I have seen on the street but never had occasion to stop and chat. This tour was a perfect excuse to learn about one another. Being my first year in my actual studio space and on my own, I didn’t know quite what to expect yet I was pleasantly surprised. The slow pace sped up after lunch and I was kept busy talking and sharing stories with everyone. It was a fantastic first day that really showed how much support there is in this town for creative people.

Sunday, June 8th there was a slower stream of people but that just meant that there was more time to spend with each visitor. Both days left me with so much to think about and the motivation to get started on new pieces right away. Even with all the work involved leading up to the weekend, it was so worth it. I am already looking forward to next year.

Due to being busy chatting with people, I completely neglected to take photos of my studio with the, previously mentioned, wonderful people in it (even the photos I managed to take are really crumby). However, there are some lovely photos on WFIU’s website taken of a few stops on the tour.

I hope everyone who participated in the tour was as pleased as the artists! There is no comparison for community support!