A walk in the woods

Happily enjoying the spring weather now, the distractions come in all forms...I am doing my best to turn the distractions into helpful moments. For example, one distraction that became ritual was a beckoning to hike in the woods down the street from my house. Every possible morning, I lace up my hiking boots, leash my dog and set out through the brush that leads to the trail head. We spend 30 minutes to an hour walking the trails and letting our minds wander completely. This time is perfect for gearing up for the day, problem solving a book idea that…

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Happy Valentines Day

I've just finished a small edition of tunnel books and it seems appropriate to post the images today. The tunnel books feature a linoleum cut of the Taj Mahal, an international symbol of love. I am one of the lucky people to cast my eyes on this monument in person. To get there is a challenge as one has to navigate through throngs of people in order to reach a massive entry gate. Passing through the gate, the impressive building reveals itself. It is considered an international symbol of love representing the love of a man for his wife. The…

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Sewn Board Binding Workshop

On January 19th, I hosted six students for the Sewn Board Binding Workshop. We had a really fantastic time due to everyone's enthusiasm!    We began the afternoon with a demonstration on cutting several sheets of paper to uniform size and prepared the materials for sewing.     Once we had all cut our sections, they were folded and the cover boards prepared. We carefully stabbed holes for sewing into each section and the cover boards and threaded our needles. We took a brief break together and enjoyed tea, coffee and cookies while we all had a chance to get to…

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Happy New Year!

I get to kick off the new year by being interviewed by Erin Fletcher of Herringbone Bindery. Through her blog Flash of the Hand, Erin gave me the honor of being featured as the January Book Artist of the Month. Each Monday, she will post the latest installment of our interview. Thanks Erin for such a great opportunity!   Also, there are still spaces open for the Sewn Board Bookbinding workshop on Saturday, January 11th or Saturday, January 18th. The workshop will be a fun one so please send me an email if you are interested!    

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Another of the books that was completed just at the end of August was an entry for the exhibit EcoEditions at 23SandyGallery in Portland, Oregon. The show runs November 15 - December 28, 2013 so if you are in the area, there is still time to see it! If you are not anywhere near Portland and would still like to see the show, you can see the online catalog. The theme was fairly straightforward, as indicated by the title: "EcoEditions asks the question: can books save the world? Can artist books raise consciousness, create awareness or change thinking? Let’s use…

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